California Scheming

From Gavin Newsom:
Subject: I am writing to respectfully ask if you would add your name to say you oppose the Republican Recall in California.
I am writing to let you know that we recently launched our campaign to stop the Republican recall attempt in California. I am not going to take this recall attempt lying down. I'm going to fight because there's too much at stake in this moment.
And today, I am asking you to join me:
Please add your name to say you oppose the far-right Republican recall effort in California. It is critical you make your voice heard from the start of this effort.
First and foremost, I need you to know I am not going to be distracted from the critical work we have to move us forward in California. That means getting more vaccines in people's arms, more people back to work, and more kids back in the classroom.
But that means I need your help defeating this recall effort.
And let's call it what it is: it's a partisan, Republican recall -- backed by the RNC, anti-mask and anti-vax extremists, and pro-Trump forces who want to overturn the last election and have opposed much of what we have done to fight the pandemic.
If they are successful, it would mean risking the progress we are making to end the pandemic. We can't let that happen.
California cannot afford to be sidetracked by partisan political games. So we'll fight this recall for the reason I am fighting to get every Californian vaccinated -- because ending this pandemic as quickly as possible is too important to get delayed by Trump loyalists and far right-wing Republicans.
But I cannot do that alone.
Add your name: say you oppose the Republican recall effort in California. This is important.
Thank you for joining me in this effort. It means a lot to know that we're in this together.
All my best,
There is only one way we defeat the far-right Republican recall effort in California -- and that is together. Say you're with Gavin:
Add your name to say you oppose the Republican recall in California.
Committee major funding from Reed Hastings, California Democratic Party, California Real Estate Political Action Committee (CREPAC) - California Association of Realtors