Mothers Day Blessings

How Mother's Day Came To Be
The early Christian festival known as "Mothering Sunday" was celebrated on the fourth Sunday in Lent, a time when the faithful would return to their neighborhood or "mother church" for a special service. It eventually merged with the American Mother's Day in 1914, when President Woodrow Wilson made it an official holiday, to be observed on the second Sunday in May.
We observe this day by expressing love and gratitude to mothers, lavishing them with gifts and flowers.
The holiday is officially spelled using an apostrophe between the "r" and "s", since it was intended to celebrate ones own mother, however, over time people have looked at the day in differing lights. The choice is yours.
Mother's :
a day for one's own mother
Mothers' :
the day is shared among all Mothers collectively.
Mothers :
a day for Mothers, not a day belonging to Mothers.

Numbers 6:24-26