How Do I Decide Which Same-Party Candidate to Support?


Preliminary Point System

(50 points possible overall)

10 POINTS possible
  • no scandals (10 points)
  • 1 scandal unproven (8 points)
  • 2 or more unproven (5 points)
  • 1 scandal with conviction (1 point)
  • 2 or more with convictions (0 points)


  • 20+ years related experience (10 points)

  • 10-20 years related experience (5 points)
  • Fewer than 10 years (2 points)
  • No related experience (0 points)

Leadership (putting actions behind words)

  • Strong, successful, relevant examples (10 points)
  • Mediocre examples (5 points)
  • No known examples (0 points)

5 POINTS possible

  • Transparent and fact based standings (5 points)

  • Somewhat transparent and fact based standings (3 points)
  • Few transparent and fact based standings (1 point)
  • No Standings (0 points)


  • Truthful and complete (5 points)
  • More or less truthful and complete (4 points)
  • Lacking in either truthfulness or completion (3 points)
  • Missing verifiable information OR huge gaps in life experiences (2 points)
  • Missing verifiable information AND huge gaps in life experiences (1 point)
  • No biography (0 points)

1 (one) point each

  • Email address

  • Phone number
  • Website
  • Completion of candidate surveys on multiple election information websites 
  • Approachable 

Keep in mind that this is only a tool to preliminarily contrast and compare same party candidates. 
To further aid in making your decision, refer to previous blog posts concerning choosing candidates.